Tribe Quantum
Who We Are
Tribe Quantum is a company of musicians that was born out of a forty-day prayer assignment in Washington, DC in 2011, many of whom still gather yearly for an annual five-day prophetic and governmental worship experience.
Like anything else, the company has transformed and evolved over the years. For me, it’s one of the most joyful seasons of my life, getting to worship with all these wonderful musicians and singers every year. There’s just something in that atmosphere that happens to us all, as yearly we leave totally changed, positioned, and graced for the next season in time.
We would like to honor David Van Koevering, one of the early members of Tribe Quantum who has since gone on to be with the Lord.
We would also like to honor Ray Hughes, without whose influence, insight, and revelation on worship Tribe Quantum could never have materialized.
This year, we’ll be gathering at Word Fellowship in Killen, Alabama (in the Florence/Shoals area). You can register by clicking the image above!
The focus of this year’s intercession is, like last year, concerning water – however, this year our intercession will be focusing predominantly on the waters in America.
One of our speakers this year, Rabbi Joseph Bender, is a scientist and extremely knowledgeable on the sacredness of the makeup, design, and elements of water.
With the help of our dear friend George Sickler, we have been able to livestream the past several years of the annual Tribe Quantum gathering, and these livestreams have been uploaded to YouTube. Come take a look at some of the teaching, intercession, and worship from the past several years’ gatherings! Here’s a video from our gathering in 2022, in which we worshipped our way through Psalm 91.